
Valerie’s atmospheric paintings below are all inspired by nature and her explorations of spatial relations, what is infinite? Prices range from 6k to 15k.

1. Opalescent 48 by 72

2. Blue 48 by 48 Sold

3. Why Not as seen in the exhibit, Abstractions, at the Westport Library, 2012

4. Rave On 48 by 48 Sold

5. Stripes 30 by 30

6. Snow 48 by 48

7. Broadway 48 by 72 Sold

8. Fog 30 by 36 Sold.

9. Clouds 48 by 48 Sold

10. Ghostly 48 by 48 Sold.

11. Tropical 48 by 72

12. Low tide 18 by 18 Sold

13. Sea change 48 by 48 Sold (Valerie and Sarah below)

14. Peonies 48 by 72

15. Tempest 48 by 60

16. Scenes from Manhattan art show 2020– Ghostly 48 by 72 and Snow 48 by 48

17. Coral Reef

18. Feverish 36 by 48

19. Still Life 48 by 48 Sold

20. Blue Skies

21. Sisters 36 by 36

22. Wyoming 48 by 48

23. Toucan’s world 48 by 72 donated to Selfhelp Inc., NYC

24. Leaves 48 by 48 Sold

25. Orchids 48 by 72

26. Up in the Air 48 by 48 Sold

27. Tetons 48 by 48

28. Upside Down World, 2024. Not for Sale

29. Untitled, Pastel, Sold.

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